My learner profile for this activity: Inquirer - Knowledgeable - Thinkers - Communicator - Principled - Open-Minded - Risk-Takers - Balanced - Reflective.

In this activity I demonstrated these IB attitudes:  Commitment, Empathy , Enthusiasm, Knowledgeable, inquirer, and independance

 It was really fun making the Animoto! It brought back memories of all the fun times we had. The music was so cool you were listening to music and watching a mini video. I thought it was so cool, I will use it again. I could of made the video a little longer but I like it because it is short but nice. It is entertaining to watch and really fun and easy to make. The Animoto did not take a long time! It was so quick to make. I really liked it and it is so fun and awesome!
  • Prezi is a really cool website! It was hard at first but easy after you knew what to do. I would definitely use Prezi again. It is really cool how you can do all these things. It is really cool because it makes everything more creative! I like how it moves and how it works. I like Prezi a lot but I don't think I will use it all the time.
  • It was hard to do somethings and I wanted to give up! I think some of the things could of turned out better, but it was only my first time doing a Prezi!
  • I liked how Prezi moved! It was really cool and fun to make. It was interesting to watch and it was almost like a movie.
  • Right now I am more comfortable with Google Presentation but if I do more Prezi then I will maybe like them more. I do like Prezi, but I have never done one before. 
  • I will use Prezi again because it was really cool. I think I will learn more about Prezi and I will like it more! Prezi is nice but sometimes a little complicated.
  • I think I could improve on having more color! I was pretty happy with my Prezi because it was my first one! I also could make it more interesting by the pictures and effects.

6. Copy and paste and fill this out:
My learner profile for this activity:  I was an Inquirer - Knowledgeable - Thinker - Risk-Taker and I was Reflective.

In this activity I demonstrated these IB attitudes:

Commitment, Confidence, Creativity, Curiosity, Enthusiasm, Independence,

  • Appreciation: appreciating the wonder and beauty of the world and its people
  • Commitment: being committed to their learning, preserving and showing self-discipline and responsibility
  • Confidence: feeling confident in their ability as learners, having the courage to take risks, applying what they have learned and making appropriate decisions
  • Cooperation: cooperating, collaborating and leading or following as the situation demands
  • Creativity: being creative and imaginative in their thinking and in their approach to problems and dilemmas
  • Curiosity: being curious about the nature of learning and the world, its people and cultures
  • Empathy: imaginatively projecting themselves into another's situation, in order to understand his/her thoughts, reasoning and emotions
  • Enthusiasm: enjoying learning
  • Independence: thinking and acting independently, making their own judgments based on reasoned principles and being able to defend their judgments
  • Integrity: having integrity and a firm sense of fairness and honesty
  • Respect: respecting themselves, others and the world around them
  • Tolerance: feeling sensitivity towards differences and diversity in the world and being responsive to the needs of others
Subject: Persuaders

My learner profile for this activity: Communicator because my group had to communicate and work together to make the advertisement!

In this activity I demonstrated these IB attitudes: Commitment, Creativity, Enthusiasm, and Integrity. My whole group tried really hard and we all cooperated with each other to make it work. We showed team work and that helped us be a good team and do the work faster!

I chose this piece of work because: Me, Katrina and Malia worked very hard to make it and it turned out pretty good! we are all happy and proud of our work.



  1. Do I use specific media for specific purposes? I think I have a lot of media in my life communication, school,information and entertainment.
  2. Do I link specific media formats and use to specific relationships? 
  3. How does my media use relate to stress levels or to specific days of the week? Media is always around me but I don't get stressed I use media more when I have projects and presentations. I go on the internet and look up things.
  4. What role does media play in my life? I think media is everywhere it effects everyone and sometimes you don't notice how much media is really in your life. I think it is a good and bad thing. 
Subject: Roses are red

Limericks, diamante,haiku, free verse, ect... 

My learner profile for this activity:  Risk taker because I was taking a risk by creating forms of poetry

and learning different things for my U.O.I. 

In this activity I demonstrated these IB attitudes: Creativity, risktaker,

confidence, empathy,and curiosity.

I chose this piece of work because: I think I should keep learning different things. It was very fun writing the poetry and I am glad I did it!

T.K Diamante on PhotoPeach
The Little Fish on PhotoPeach
T.K Poem on PhotoPeach